Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Page One Comparisons

1.    Go to www.newseum.org, and find, “Today’s Front Pages” on the right side of the page.

2.      Find “View Today’s Pages,” and click on Map. Find the Arizona Daily Star, and three different newspapers from three different states. (When you find them on the map, click on the orange dot to see the entire front page.)

3.      List the newspapers on your paper. A through C are reserved for American Newspapers, while column E is for an international newspaper:
a.       The Arizona Daily Star

4.      On your paper, use the first row to list what elements are found on page one. Be sure to note the main stories, the major pictures, ad placement, and teasers and promos. Make sure you use the vocabulary words you have learned!

5.      After listing the elements, analyze the front page on the second row. What do you like about it? What do you not like about it? Explain why!

6.      In the final row list any changes or improvements you think should be made. Give reasons as to WHY the change should be made.