Monday, November 14, 2016

Recreating a Front Page!

You've created a skeleton, and a front page template for the Cactus Chronicle. Now, you're going to attempt to recreate a newspaper of your choice.

As a helpful hint, here's the pixel settings for the following newspapers:


Broadsheet: 90p0 x 50p0
Berliner: 70p0 x 40p0
Tabloid: 40p0 x 30p0

This is the site you're visiting! But it's in the PowerPoint too!


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Special!



... and your winner is...?
(I'm writing this in the past, and you're in the future, so clearly, I haven't updated the blog...)

Either way, my bold prediction is... we're still trying to sort through the muck, and though we may have a projected winner, we probably are seeing the losing candidate still fighting, to the bitter, bitter end. 

At this point, you've probably seen quite a few red/blue maps to last you for the next few years, so, I'm going to add some more maps and colors to your life. 

Check out the winning map from the USA Today (refresh the page if it still has multiple 'grey' states). 

Before I ask you some questions, open this link and you'll find an interactive graphic from the USA Today as well. Now, this may sound super nerdy, but this is the COOLEST interactive electoral map I've found. 

Play around with it. It shows the maps from 2012 (Obama vs. McCain) all the way to 1960 (Kennedy vs. Nixon). After you've at least taken a look at it, DOWNLOAD the following document:

After you've downloaded the document, answer the questions. WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED:

Save the document by going to File>Save As>FirstLast ElectionQs P_

After you've finished, upload your paper to the correct file drop:

First Period

Second Period

Fifth Period

Sixth Period

Friday, November 4, 2016

InDesign Day 2

Alright, take a look at the following presentation and images in this post.

You'll need to click and drag the images to your desktop, and follow along with the presentation...

Your template will look like this when you're finished:

To get full credit for this assignment, call me over when you're done so I can take a look at it!

Click here to download the images needed to place in your template!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

InDesign, Day 1

Click and drag to your desktop...

Here's your instructions for creating this lovely Cactus Chronicle Template:

Save a copy of it to your computer by simply clicking on the photo, and dragging it to your desktop. 

Then, come back here and go through the instructions on how to make your InDesign document look the same way.