Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Hey doods!

Drop your news story podcast recreation here! (80pts)

Drop the link/word document to the story here! (20pts)

You need both so I can read along during your podcast!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Holy News Cycle!


Another teacher strike, this time in Denver!

  • Here's the podcast:

Bad news for Democrats in Virginia, over past sins!
  • Here's the podcast: 
And... could we be headed to ANOTHER government shutdown Friday?!

 And one more nugget for ya, everyone and their mother is jumping into the 2020 presidential race:

SOOO... why so many podcasts? Well, you'll be making your own based off real news. So pay attention to how the journalists in the following stories narrate, along with introduce their sources, and when and if background sounds/music is used.

  1. To do this, you'll need to find a NEWS FEATURE story.
  2. Second, you'll need to narrate all the pieces of the story that the journalist wrote... This may sound simple, but you'll need to modify elements of the story to work with the podcast, especially when introducing sources.
  3. Find another student to say what the source is saying: remember, multiple sources = multiple students to ask. 
  4. Refine your voices... we want this to sound smooth!
  5. Use your recorder on your phone, find quiet places in the room to make it happen!
  6. Look to make your podcast anywhere between 3:30 and 4:00 minutes long.
  7. You will need to save a copy of the story, so make sure you either download a copy or save the link. This will need to be turned in at the same time as the podcast.

Due Date: Wednesday, Feb. 20

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

State of the Union

Here's the link to the State of the Union... what did Trump say, and what was fact-checked to be incorrect?